In partnership with the Cabarrus Baptist Association 

Worship Leader Boot Camp BASIC


CrossPointe Baptist Church

Concord, NC


Worship Leader Boot Camp

Crosspointe Baptist Church
1175 Crosspointe Dr NE
Concord NC 28025

In partnership with the Cabarrus Baptist Association

Canceled due to COVID-19

Cabarrus 2020
  • Do you seek healthy worship transformation for your church?
  • Do you want to see biblical worship that engages the people to become active worshippers rather than passive spectators?
  • Do you seek to create an environment in worship that helps people connect with God each week?
  • Does your worship team need refreshing and grounding in their understanding of their ministry?
  • Is there conflict of worship styles in your church?

The Worship Leader Boot Camps have trained thousands of people internationally. The Worship Leader Boot Camp offers a total package of training and foundation for worship renewal in the local church.

If you are serious about worship renewal in your church, you should consider participating in this event.

Who Should Attend?

Your worship leaders – band, singers, technicians, pastor – should attend the Worship Leader Boot Camp to further gain a grounding in musical issues that will provide tools for worship renewal, particularly focused on moving a church from a group of spectators to a body of active participants in worship.

Your Invitation

Our conference leader, Kenny Lamm, shares a few words about the conference.

What’s It All About?

The Worship Leader Boot Camp begins with a thorough look at critical issues that impact churches and worship leaders. Churches throughout the world are struggling with what style of worship is appropriate for their setting. Many churches find themselves dying, stuck to old forms of worship that once were very meaningful, yet now don’t seem to engage the people in meaningful worship nor speak a language that the unchurched can understand. In the 50’s and 60’s, worship was pretty similar among churches of the same denomination and most sang from a common source—the denominational hymnal. Today, things have changed drastically and church leaders are struggling to determine what their church’s corporate worship should look like. There are many factors to consider in this quest. This event will help leaders dive into some very important issues impacting corporate worship:

  • What is the biblical basis of worship?
  • What does it mean to worship God with all our being?
  • What role should personal preferences play in worship?
  • How should culture impact corporate worship?
  • How should a missionary mindset impact corporate worship?
  • How is worship and discipleship intertwined?
  • Is unified worship the best way to go?
  • What style of worship is appropriate for my church?
  • If a church does sense God’s leadership to change, how can that be done in a healthy, God-honoring, people-loving manner with biblical and musical excellence?

In addition the Worship Leader Boot Camp adds intensive training for the worship leadership of a church in these areas:

      • Leadership issues to help each person grow in their leadership and understand how to be sensitive in their work.
      • How to select (and where to find) new songs for worship, putting them through the proper filters for text and music.
      • Mechanics of worship-learning how to put together a set list, looking at key relationships and textual relationships as well as flow in worship and planning a worship service. Participants will learn how to publish a worship plan/guide for the musicians that will aid in implementing the worship service.
      • Corporate worship in practice, looking at common pitfalls, rehearsal basics, and how to have ongoing evaluation to improve your worship team’s leadership.

This event is great for churches that are seeking to transition to newer styles of worship as well as for churches who already are worshipping in more modern worship styles.”

Conference Leader

Cabarrus 2020

Kenny Lamm

Worship & Music Consultant
Baptist State Convention of NC

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Kenny Lamm, senior consultant for worship and music for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, is a frequent worship clinician and guest worship leader. His heart for the nations has also taken him to international fields of service. He and NC Baptist worship teams have led worship conferences and outreach events throughout several countries in East and Southeast Asia. Kenny also spent a summer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia working with churches in worship renewal.  Revisions of the curriculum developed for these events continue to be used extensively in equipping worship leaders in churches today around the world and are currently published in English, Chinese and Spanish.

Kenny’s blog,, has received international attention for its practical helps for worship leaders.

Kenny & JeanKenny received his bachelor’s degree in music from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, master’s degree in church music from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, where he was a Rice-Judson Scholar, and completed doctoral-level courses in worship to receive the Advanced Graduate Certificate in Worship Studies from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL.

He is married to Sandy and has two grown children, Kevin and Katie. The couple resides in Sanford, NC.


Cabarrus Baptist Association Church Host

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Crosspointe Baptist Church
1175 Crosspointe Dr NE
Concord NC 28025


Cabarrus 2020

Conference Fee

Fee includes a 116-page enhanced worship leader handbook, Saturday lunch, a three-month subscription per church to, and a LifeWayWorship voucher worth about $21. Deeply discounted worship training DVDs will be available on site.

We strongly encourage churches to bring their entire worship team and senior pastor.

  • Now – August 22 – $20
  • August 23 – September 5 – $25
  • September 6-18 – $30
  • Walk-in $40



Check out our other worship leader training opportunities:
events, retreats & online classes.

More information

What People Are Saying

In the news 26 July 2016, Biblical Recorder:  
Boot Camp explores biblical, practical foundations for worship

The Worship Leader Boot Camp combines Kenny Lamm’s real-world experience from the trenches of worship leadership with his deep passion to see churches of every worship “style” experience worship renewal. Kenny has years of experience of effectively leading both traditional and contemporary worship styles, and his insights into how to plan and lead with purpose and excellence are invaluable. Where the Worship Leader Boot Camp really shines, however, is for those churches in need of worship unity. If your church desires corporate worship that purposefully engages the totality of your congregation, regardless of your worshiper’s age, musical preference, or ethnicity, let Kenny Lamm show you how.

One of my favorite sections of Kenny’s Worship Leader Handbook is the chapter on the mechanics of worship. In twenty jam-packed pages, he teaches practical ways to plan engaging worship with a purposeful flow.  I’ve read many books on worship leadership through the years, and I’ve never seen these concepts taught in such a practical and concise manner. It took me years to discover what he teaches in only a few short pages. Every worship leader should attend his workshop!
Royce Wilder, First Baptist Corinth, MS

Thank you so much for an awesome workshop yesterday!  Clearly, your understanding and experience with leading worship was evident. Thank you for saying what had to be said and encouraging us to move forward. I’ve attended dozens of workshops over the years, but none have addressed the real issues as you did. By far, this was the best..The most succinct, practical and addressed the real issues with real answers. Thank you. 
Valerie Lepko, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Greensboro

As Senior Pastor of Hopewell Baptist Church, I found myself less than excited when our Minister of Music asked me to attend the Minister of Music Retooling Retreat—a fancy name for a worship conference in January 2011. The daunting responsibilities of leading a thriving church family are a 24/7 job, and, frankly, I was a bit irritated that I had even been asked to accompany our Music Minister—surely he could handle this on his own. So imagine my surprise when I found myself totally enthralled with Kenny Lamm and his leadership throughout the entire experience! Every detail was attended to, questions raised and answered and he has a powerful delivery of a very simple message: “We were created to worship!” I found myself challenged in my preconceived notions of worship and was able to look beyond that to the true purpose of actually leading our congregation to our King!
Dr. Lee Pigg, Hopewell Baptist Church, Monroe

The things I learned at boot camp were exactly what I needed. It has been my desire to be a worship leader rather than a choir director and here I found the resources, tools, guidance and a vision of the direction to lead the church in. I was very impressed with the study of worship in the Bible and all of the practical tips. The demonstrations were also beneficial to see how best to transition from one song to the next. The worship leader guidebook is very informative and an asset to have. At camp I caught a glimpse of what worship can and should be and it fed my soul!
Charla Buchanan, Robbinsville First Baptist

The Worship Summit with Kenny Lamm was one of the most complete and practical discussions on Biblical Worship that I have experienced in many years. As a worship leader, I left equipped with tools, quotes, and scriptures in which I could defend the principles of worship that I have been trying to apply within my own congregation. I think representatives from churches of all sizes and musical styles can use the information gleaned here to make more spiritually-focused decisions regarding worship within their local context.
Chris Bridges, Pastor of Worship & Communications, Southside Baptist Church, Mooresville, NC

I have already spoken and forwarded information to other musicians about the workshop, Excluding the Bible, I think this is the best Worship tool anyone can have in their library. We laughed, we cried and we healed spiritually. I’ll never worship the same again, and I will do it again. It’s about the audience of one, God.
Joel Robertson, South Estatoe Baptist, Micaville

As pastor, I was confirmed in the direction that our worship team and I have been going. Worship is not about contemporary versus traditional, but about engaging our congregation to encounter the Lord. The time spent with my worship team helped in bonding us together in this common purpose.
Bob Ferguson, Archdale First Baptist

The things they don’t teach you in college that you can only learn in an experience &/or mentoring scenario, were what I most remember. It was immensely helpful. I could have stayed eight more hours.
Jennifer Lassiter, Archdale First Baptist

Mostly an appreciation for the fact that there is someone out there helping churches and worship leaders understand the biblical importance of what we do, the need to do it to the best of our ability, and the need to be relevant in relating to our congregations. The section on personal and corporate worship was something everyone who sings or plays in a church should hear.
Chris Jolly, Nags Head Church.

Cabarrus 2020


A Note to Senior Pastors

Recently the Transylvania Baptist Association had the privilege to host a Worship Leader Boot Camp led by Kenny Lamm.

Often one of the least prepared portions of our services is our worship. This is due to many misunderstandings of the foundation, purpose, focus, formation, and organization of corporate worship. During our training session, Kenny took the time to unpack each of these areas and far more. This training is ideal for churches that are not only seeking to honor God with their best on Sundays, but also this will help them to find new ways to be culturally relevant in the process. The importance of equipping our leaders cannot be over stated. During this training your worship teams will have the opportunity to revision and retool with many interactive activities that bless staff and volunteers alike. Also, unlike many training events you will not only learn about worship, but it will be modeled as well.

I would highly recommend this event for any church and encourage not only worship leaders and teams to attend but also pastors and directors of missions/associational missionaries. As a church health consultant, I will be encouraging every church I work with to attend this training. This event accomplishes in two days what often takes months if not longer to achieve. As it was stated by Kenny at the training, “Remember, we worship an audience of One.”

Dr. Chuck Campbell
Former Associational Missionary
Transylvania Baptist Association

Cabarrus 2020

© 2019 Baptist State Convention of North Carolina

The missions and ministries of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina are made possible
by your gifts through the Cooperative Program and the North Carolina Missions Offering.